Monday, April 26, 2010

Why is makeup allowed in beauty pageants?

Anyone can look good with makeup :)Why is makeup allowed in beauty pageants?
I agree with you, that would be the true test of beauty!Why is makeup allowed in beauty pageants?
this is a bit of a silly question, come on, why is make up necessary for models? actors? business women? imagine 2 business women, same intelligence, personality, skills, experience. one does her hair and make up, nice suit, shoes and looms healthy, the other is overweight, messy hair, no make up, cheap suit and bad teeth. the better looking one will be hired because people will be more consideate of her. thats just how our minds work, no matter how we try to stop them. and besides, beauty pageants sign deals with make up companies just like modelling agencies and movies and stuff.
I agree, it be nice to see a beauty pagent with minimal makeup so you can actually see naturally beautiful people instead of mindless sexed up whores that cant even think for themselves.
make up isnt wrong, however if you believe you are just as beautiful without it then dont wear it, its just like decoration, like wearing jewelry
That's a great question, to win a beauty pageant you should have natural beauty!
thats true ... but the prettier u are the prettier u can get with makeup
good question! However you could ask the same about clothes?.

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